My story

My name is Sabnam Mustafa but I often go by my Bangla nickname, Mou. I am a first-generation Bangladeshi-American transfer student. I was born and raised in Kissimmee, Florida where I also attended Valencia College. I transferred to University of Central Florida to finish my Bachelor's Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology with a Leadership Studies Certificate.

After high school, I began working in the hospitality industry gaining experience in various resort operations. I have worked for activities, front desk, and rooms inventory departments. After graduating Valencia College with my AA, I transferred to UCF to finish by BS. During this time, I worked at Universal Studios Orlando and UCF Psychology Clinic. I spent my time volunteering at Institute of Simulation and Training as a research assistant. Now, having graduated in December 2022, I am working at Park Place Behavioral Healthcare as an Access Inpatient Assessor.Â